Pop of Red Commission

acrylic Art canvas Commission Painting Resin

Hey guys,

I wanted to share a little bit about this exciting commission piece. First off I have to say, there’s something about 4’x8’ sized canvases that I love. They are my favorite size to paint on! The finished piece, whether presented horizontally or vertically up on the wall, just has the power to command the room. It captivates the eye pulling you from one side on a journey all the way across the surface to the other. 

This time, our customer requested the use of the colors black, white, red, and gold. I had been itching to use these colors for a while and I couldn’t wait to start mixing the fluid paints and to splash them onto the blank canvas. I usually don’t go into my fluid paintings with too much of a plan. Due to the nature of the painting style, I’ve found it’s best to improvise and make it up as you go. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I love fluid painting so much. Every decision just feels so natural as you’re moving around the canvas. If you’re hesitant to try it, I suggest you just go for it! Just dive right in and don’t hold back. Also things change so quickly when you’re painting this way so try not to second guess your decisions too much. You definitely want to put your trust in the process. Even if you mess up, sometimes the biggest mistakes turn out to be the most wonderful surprises and might just end up being the part that you appreciate the most. 

For instance, with this painting I did not intend on the red and gold mixing and blending together on the canvas and I completely panicked when I saw it. As it turned out, the customer loved the peachy orange and pink moments it created on the canvas! We added resin to give this piece a beautiful glass-like finish on top and it was ready to send off to its new home. 



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